SACRED PATH RETREATS from Sterling Meredith on Vimeo.

Published on Jun 26, 2019

Title: Dr. Stephen Johnson Presentation on the history of the Men’s Center of Los Angeles



Published on June 28, 2019

Title: The Full Interview with Dr. Stehpen Johnson – Men need men



Published on Jul 11, 2014

Title: Dr. Stephen Johnson Presentaion

Watch Dr. Stephen Johnson as he discusses the Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreats



Published on July 10, 2014

Title: The Sacred Path The Way of the Spiritual Warrior Official Trailer

Interviews with Actor/Director LeVar Burton, Author/Therapist Candace De Puy, Ph.D.

The Alarming Statistics About Today’s Men

Men vs. Women
4X More Likely to Commit Suicide
5X More Likely After Age 65
10X More Likely After Divorce
24X More Likely to End Up in Prison
50% More Likely to Use Illicit Drugs


Published on Jul 10, 2014

Title: Journey To Mindful Manhood

Watch Dr. Stephen Johnson as he discusses the Journey to Mindful Manhood through the experience of the 26th Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat and the 15th Annual Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat



Published on May 6, 2012

In April of 2012, Stephen Johnson, Ph.D. previewed his then soon-to-be-published book titled, “The Sacred Path: The Way of the Spiritual Warrior. This HD video is the first installment in a series of interviews where Dr. Johnson briefly explains his book chapter-by-chapter.

Video Preview includes the first 4 chapters:

Part I:  The Spiritual Warrior’s Journey
Chapter 1 – ” When A Man’s Life Goes Adrift”…including the “Mother of all Crises”, the Midlife Crisis.
Chapter 2 – “The Father Gap: The Hidden Wound that Just Won’t Heal”. Many men have been wounded by their fathers (intentional & unintentional). How to heal and overcome.
Chapter 3 – “Why Men Fall For Dangerous Relationships”…this trap is something most men can relate to.
Chapter 4 – “Shoulder to Shoulder”. The importance of being in relationship with other men of all ages…how a supportive brotherhood can make all the difference.


Published on Sep 9, 2012

This HD video is the 2nd installment in a series. Stephen Johnson, PhD. previews his book, “The Sacred Path: The Way of the Spiritual Warrior.”

Video Preview includes:

Chapter 5 – “Being The Father You Always Wanted”
Chapter 6 – “Mentoring”

Part II : A Return to Chivalry:

Chapter 7 – “Self Discipline”
Chapter 8 – “Positive Intention”
Chapter 9 – “Valor”
Chapter 10 – “Honor”
Chapter 11 – “Compassion”


Published on Oct 3, 2012

This HD video is the 3rd installment which completes Dr. Stephen Johnson’s preview of  “The Sacred Path: The Way of the Spiritual Warrior.”

Video Preview includes:
Chapter 12 – “Joy”

Part III:  Spiritual Warriors In The World

Chapter 13 – Finding and Renewing Your True Love”
Chapter 14 – “Your Work That Works”
Chapter 15 – “Mindful Manhood”
Chapter 16 – “Aging, Elderhood, and Completion”


Published in 2005
Title: Rites of Passage:Fatherhood, Mentoring and Authentic Masculinity

In this video Dr. Johnson speaks about the need for programs to support fathers and sons, boys and mentors. He suggests that midlife may be a natural occasion when men find themselves in the midst of an initiatory experience. He speaks about his own relationship with his father and how it influenced his relationship with his own children. During a Call to Adventure Retreat he reads a passage from the manuscript of the book he was working on at the time and encourages the men in attendance to become more involved with young men who will determine our future.